Deafening Cries

Deafening Cries

Winning Bid: $267.50

Meha Sharma, 14
Deafening Cries
Mixed Medium on Canvas
101.2cm x 76.2cm
NPS international school
Physical Arts Category, Merit

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The ongoing war inspired the me to make this art piece. It depicts the civilians especially the woman and children who cry out on the top of their lungs to end the brutality of the war. However their cries no matter how deafening are gone unanswered and unheard by the human race, who are deafened by hatred. This piece not only aims to bring out the gut wrenching screams of innocent civilians, but also shows the consequences of the war. I chose dark colours to bring out the grim and horrible atmosphere of war and the drip effects for a messy and ruined look.