Instant Comfort: A Collective Memory

Instant Comfort & You
A social platform to share your fond memories of the simplest meal ever invented. TRCL connects Singapore communities through our love for instant noodles, through the power of memory and recollection.

Instant Comfort: A Collective Memory is a community book+website project which features the memories and recollections of people from all walks of life and our relationship with one of the most popular comfort foods in memory: instant noodles. Read about our longstanding love and affection for this comfort food. Upload your own story about your relationship with instant noodles.

Since its invention in 1958 by Momofuku Ando,  instant noodles have taken on great cultural significance. It’s the epitome of the fast-paced lifestyle of the late 20th century, the tie that binds status and social divides. This project looks at why people from all segments of Singapore communities need instant noodles and why, despite its low nutritional value, we still love it.

Through this site and the book (in progress), we pay homage to the instant noodles as a way of life. In the process, we hope to understand why instant noodles bring us comfort. We recollect how this simple food has become entwined with memories of childhood, of supper at midnight, of cool rainy days, and many other unforgettable moments in our lives.

The book will launch on Tuesday, 11 May 2021. Proceeds of the sale of the book go towards the Business Times Budding Artists Fund (BT BAF). 

Submit Your Story About Instant Noodles 

• Answer the questions in our Google Form. Below are the questions you can answer to help form your story:

1.  My most vivid memory of an instant noodle meal is . . .

2. My favourite way of preparing instant noodles is . . . 

3. Favourite brand and flavour:

4. I usually eat instant noodles when . . . 

5. I enjoy instant noodles most when I eat together with . . . 

6. I know it’s not all that healthy, so I make it with  . . .

• Limit your answers for each question to 100-150 words.

• Submit only true stories. Do not use invented situations / scenes.

• Submissions must be previously unpublished, i.e. never appeared in any publication, print or online (submissions posted on blogs, be it public or personal are considered to have been previously published).

• Selected submissions will be edited for clarity and content in consultation with TRCL.

We’d Love to Hear from You

Our hope is that this book will be an inclusive representation, created by and for the community of Singapore. We’d love to hear your stories on how instant noodles have been a source of comfort for you. Share personal anecdotes, favourite recipes, and your fondest memories of this simple meal.

All submissions stand a chance to be featured on this site. Submit your thoughts through the form below before Thursday, 11 February 2021. If your submission is featured in the book version of this fundraising project, you will receive a print copy as a gift. 

Should your submission be chosen for publication, TRCL will get in touch with you for more details. 

 . . . And Why We’re Doing This

This project aims to bring people from all walks of life together. Instant noodles are fast to cook and affordable, a source of instant gratification, immense satisfaction; a basic necessity. This site and the book-to-be will feature your personal stories and your reflections. Share your favourite recipes of this humble food that has been a casual snack to some and a vital ration to others. 

Proceeds from the sale of the book will go toward supporting beneficiaries of The Business Times Budding Artists Fund (BT BAF), many of whom have enjoyed instant noodles from a young age. We are thrilled that the BT BAF turns 16 years old this year. 

Through the BT BAF community, TRCL seeks to provide and inspire the next generation with skills and opportunities to grow intellectually, emotionally and socially. Thus reflecting TRCL’s vision of nurturing young children and youth through an education in the arts.

Read our submission terms here.

By clicking the submit button on the Google Form, you agree that you have read, understand and accept the Submission Terms in relation to all of the content and other information you send to us (‘Your Content’). If you do not accept these terms, do not submit any content. Of note:

• Your Content must not be false, defamatory, misleading or hateful or infringe any copyright or any other third party rights or otherwise be unlawful.

• We will use the contact details that you provide to verify your identity and answers to the questionnaire, as well as to contact you for further information on this story. If we publish Your Content, we may include your name and location.

If you have any further questions, please contact Yu-Ming at She’ll be happy to help.