Choo Su Ann, 15
Repulsive Attraction
Acrylic on canvas
84.1cm x 59.4cm
Singapore Chinese Girls’ School
Silver Award
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SKU: 22AP143 - Need Help? Contact Us Leave Feedback
Category: 13-19 Art Prize Canvas 2022
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The prevalent issue ? unrealistic portrayal, the question of our identity. We make vail attempts to socialise, though certain aspects of ourselves will always remain hidden. Caught up in the passion of chemistry, two individuals attempt to unravel the complex layers of each other. Amidst appearing as someone we?re not, we inevitably lose touch of our own senses. Nevertheless, beneath their skin where emotions are trapped, they seek to find genuinity in each other. Questions are hence sparked; does the emotional bond truly exist? or is it a mere circumstance of their vision being impaired as they try to assimilate..?_